#### Install Workload-API
In order to achieve comparable results to the ones presented in the paper a VM with preferable the following resources is required:
| property | required |
| --- | --- |
| image / operating system | Ubuntu 16.04 |
| CPU cores | 8 |
| memory | >= 4GB |
| disk | 20GB |
| software | Docker, Docker-Compose |
| open ports | 8181 |
**Task 1:** Go to your Cloud provider and create a VM of the aforementioned configuration.
**Task 2:** As the Workload-API needs to publicly expose port `8181`, add a security group rule to the VM for port `8181` that allows in-going traffic.
**Task 3:** Assign public IP to the VM. We denote this IP in the following as *WORKLOAD_API_IP*.
**Task 4:** Log into the VM, and install Docker and Docker-Compose.
**Task 4a:** Docker can be installed as described in: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/.
**Task 4b:** Docker can be installed as described in: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/.
Before starting the Workload-API the Mowgli framework needs to be installed. |
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