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Evaluating the performance (throughput,latency) of a single node DBMS cluster.
#### Evaluation Scenario Workflow
The evaluation scenario execution comprises the following steps:
1. deploy *DBMS_X* on cloud resources *CR_Y*
2. execute workload *W_Z*
3. process performance and system metrics
#### Supported DBMS
- Cassandra
- CockroachDB (beta)
- Couchbase
- Elasticsearch
- MongoDB (beta)
#### Supported Workloads
- Sensor Storage (YCSB write only)
- YCSB (multi-phase: write + CRUD phase)
- TPC-C (by Cockroach loadgen)
#### Supported Clouds
- OpenStack V2
- OpenStack V3
- Amazon EC2
#### Examples
For getting started please have a look at the performance [example templates](https://omi-gitlab.e-technik.uni-ulm.de/mowgli/getting-started/tree/master/examples/performance) |
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